Meng-Hsin Chen 陳孟歆
Integration / Develpoment / Solution Provider 整合 / 開發 / 技術支援工程師
Task-oriented engineer based in Taiwan. Former TSMC Process Integration Engineer with 8 years experience.
Pursued self-study in programming and IT, starting a new path of Customer Slution Provider at Microsoft.
Adapt to unfamiliar fields, embracing a growth mindset, with passion for continuous self-improvement.
What I've learned and what I've been learning.
Grow to become bigger than my problems.
No one is born with it.
MSc in Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University. 國立台灣大學材料科學與工程學研究所
Institute of Technology, Linköping University. (Linköping, SE) 瑞典林雪平大學科技學院
Thesis: Interfacial Reactions Between Copper Substrate and Lead-Free Solder for 3D IC Applications. 3D IC 封裝中銅基材與無鉛銲料接點之介面反應
Material Research Society-Taiwan (MRS-T). (Yunlin, TW) 中國材料科學學會年會
TMS 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Effects of Ultrafine Joints and Alloy/microstructure Relationships Session. (Orlando, FL)
Advanced Chip Packaging Laboratory (ACPL) 覆晶封裝實驗室 , Advisor: Prof. C. Robert Kao. (指導教授:高振宏特聘教授)
BS in Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University. 國立台灣大學材料科學與工程學系
Hertford College, University of Oxford. (Oxford, UK) 英國牛津大學哈特福學院
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University. (Taipei, TW) 國立台灣大學材料科學與工程學系
Hi there! 哈囉!